Staar 2015 Score Guide

Staar 2015 released questions

STAAR Composition Scoring. The composition can receive a score of 1-Very Limited, 2-Basic Writing, 3-Satisfacotry, or 4-Accomplished. It is graded by two trained trainers. The scores must be identical or adjacent.

(Not scores spread apart by more than one number. Example: A score of 2 and 3 is okay.). If there is a scoring discrepancy then the composition goes to an expert scorer, a person with extensive training and that score is the only score used twice. Therefore, a score of 1 is not possible. Only the expert scorer can give a score of 0.

A score of 0 is given for no response or responses not tied to the prompt. Total possible score for the composition is 8. Historical Leander ISD Data on Expository Writing:. About half of our students are performing at a total score of 4 and below which means we have mostly very limited and basic writers in Leander ISD. This translates to students writing at a 2nd grade level with 1/2 a page, simple sentences, basic addressing of the idea/prompt, minimal or no idea progression. Rational service manual. We want students to score 5 and above on the composition moving us to satisfactory writers in Leander ISD. Move our students toward a score of 3.

Tea Released Staar Tests 2015

4th grade EUS 'Narrative and Expository Text: Responding to a Prompt' will change with a focus solely on expository/explanatory writing. It will still fall in the 3rd nine weeks right before STAAR.

Staar 2015 Score GuideScore

2015 Staar Writing

All grade levels still teach the Units of Study, not just teach Expository writing. Carve out a protected 45 minutes of Writer's Workshop in the master schedule for all grade levels. This time would be protected from 'pull-outs'. Use resources provided for you on the Elementary Curriculum Website.

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