Yamaha Rx 135 Engine Manual
Hi Are you talking about an RXZ here? I don' have such manual but would be nice to know other RXZ riders Oh, and i got an original spare parts catalogue.
If that's any help? Best regards. Thanh yea bro that's the RXZ i'm talking about. I'm actually planning to pick one up.
They are available a dime a dozen and some of them real cheap here in bangalore. Then i plan to go on a modding spree and extract alot of juice out of it. Hence i thought the manual would come in handy. Could you upload the spares catalogue in rapidshare. It.may. be useful although production of the bike has stopped here in india. Hello again Hmm i need your e-mail so i can send you those - one file is 850 KB, the other 1.3 MB.
Please send it to me by PM. Attached a couple of pictures - first one is a regular Thai RXZ (identical to Japanese and Malay model, except in Malaysia they have newer versions too, yet unchanged engine/frame) and second picture is the Indian model. Different: Japan/Thai/Malay model: 20 HP, old 5-Speed, newer 6-Speed. Indian model: 14 HP, old 4-Speed, newer 5-Speed.
An unrelated question, maybe you can help me - do you know what is the going rate for an Enfield 'Fury', any condition/year but running engine? I used to have the one it was built after, the German Zundapp KS 175 Also i sold (in Germany) de-tuned Enfield 'Sprinter' (Zundapp CS 25). With kind regards.
Yamaha Rx 135 Workshop Manual
Thanks for sending me the pdf files. Almost everything looks similar like indian version of RXZ and Rx135. In your RXZ version is it possible to fit 6 speed transmission to old 5speed or use new RXZ bore to old RXZ? But the Indian RXZ is vastly different, it uses a similar frame to the RX and also the engine is more like that of the RX (or RXK, here in Thailand known as 'Concord').
Also the Indian RXZ exhaust pipe is more or less identical to that of the RX/RXK. I do not know if in those engines the five-speed can be converted to six-speed as easily as with our RXZ's here (which are precisely the 'Japan type' and are in this form still produced in Malaysia and Japan). The engines are entirely different. As to the bore, as the Indian RXZ engines look like RXK engines i assume that the cylinder ('block') of the Japan type RXZ can not be used - RXK has a shorter stroke and larger bore.
You can however bore up a Japan-type block so it accepts an RXK piston - the result is 150cc displacement The compression height and overall length of the pistons is identical. This bored-up block will then again only fit a Japan-type RXZ, i am running one such block on one of my RXZ's. Basically you can say that the Indian RXZ is a development of the RX/RXK while the Japanese/Malay/Thai RXZ is a development of the RD 125, completely different bikes even though they look somewhat similar thanks to similar tanks, seats and side panels/tail covers. Kind regards.
Hi Thank you There is a lot of work and love in those two bikes which, apart from myself, probably nobody would appreciate. The black one, for instance, was a poor heap of scrap metal when i got it The bike thanks me for rescuing it by being reliable like no other, in just over three years i did 52,000 Kilometers on it - Bangkok traffic only!
That one is my daily driver, currently i add 50 kilometers every single day and it has never broken down even once. Granted i sunk some 30k Baht in it for initial repairs and modifications, but apart from that it is only normal maintenance - tyres, chains, sprockets, brake pads and the occasional bearing (specially rear wheel bearings). Since pretty exactly 21,000 kilometers i run a bored-up block on it which generates about twice the stock horsepower (it is also ported) and that makes the bike a 'sleeper' - looks slow and gentle but goes like a screaming fury if i want to. Sadly 'special parts' like the rear box rack, the meter set on the red one, the sticker sets etc i have to import from Singapore as no such accessories are available in Thailand at all. Here the RXZ is just 'an old bike' while in Singapore and Malaysia, where they are still available brand new (Yamaha still makes them!) they have a huge fan base.
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Hi Friends, I'm new in Bombay and I have not given my Yam 135 5S for a service for almost 10 months now in Mumbai fearing how the mechanics would treat my Bike. I'm looking for some very experienced, and trusted Mechanic in Mumbai suburbs, Santacruz or bandra or Khar, Juhu, Sion, Chembur, Kurla or surrounding areas. I have searched for a Authorized Yamaha Service centre, and found none.
There is one in Mahalakshmi, which is damn far away from my place. Can anyone please help me out on this? Cheers, RaM ( ) Thanks. I have always thought of doing so. I work on all my house electricals myself, I like DIY on all my electronic gadgets, including our TV, Radio, Walkmans, old Cassette players, MP3 players, headphones, house switchboards, installing ceiling fans, servicing pedestrian Fans etc.
I still do these at time when they give trouble! I used to work in and out on my MTB Cycle some years back, but these days. Man I feel like just dozing off. My major part in bike handling is the tuning of the engine to a perfect rythm., I have never been able to get any damn mechanic in town to do a desired tuning as the factory guys do! I'm serious about it, the way the engine sounds - no mechanic no matter how many years of experience he has!! Changing oil, lubricating the cables, clutch, all those can be done by us, but I bet tuning the Engine is not an easy job.
I know to take off the Engine head, remove the crankshaft, piston, rings, head and assemble them back. I can do till that, but not the gear plates and clutch plates and the internal parts of the engine. Some tuning needs experience. There is no second opinion about that!
So guys, pl point me to a Reputed Servicing! That makes life simple, lets leave the specialists do the job.
I know to take off the Engine head, remove the crankshaft, piston, rings, head and assemble them back. I can do till that, but not the gear plates and clutch plates and the internal parts of the engine. How do you remove the crankshaft without removing the clutch plates & the gears in a RX? Crank cannot be removed unless you split the cases. And for that clutch and the gears has to come out.
Tuning is no all that hard as you might think. What they mechs do is adjust the air screw and the idle screw. And in some case lift the needle or drop it down by a step or two. Proper jetting and tuning takes some hard work and no normal mechanic would do it for you. If you can disassemble & assemble and engine then carb air screw setting ought to be a cakewalk. It's very easy to learn.

When I came to Bangalore first my unusual way to find a good mechanic was to ride around and look out for mechanics who had a couple of RDs parked outside. Then park and walk up to him and talk to him about servicing your bike and ask lame questions like how long will it take if I leave it tomorrow morning. I have this problem.
Any idea what is wrong. Then based on what he says and if hes approachable leave it for the service. Well thats how I did it. And it worked out pretty well. He was a good mechanic. How do you remove the crankshaft without removing the clutch plates & the gears in a RX?
Crank cannot be removed unless you split the cases. And for that clutch and the gears has to come out. Tuning is no all that hard as you might think. What they mechs do is adjust the air screw and the idle screw. And in some case lift the needle or drop it down by a step or two.
Proper jetting and tuning takes some hard work and no normal mechanic would do it for you. If you can disassemble & assemble and engine then carb air screw setting ought to be a cakewalk. It's very easy to learn.