Toro Groundsmaster 345 Deck Manual
Tell me about it! (Tight working conditions) Why do you hafta re-place the arm? Did it break? There is a nut you can adjust on those to tighten the PTO Belt, IF it isn't stretched too much!
It's been awhile since I seen those shafts removed. There's a big nut on the end of that shaft, by the motor. There is set screws and collars in various places as well.
Toro Groundsmaster 345 Carburetor
Drop that deck, jack 'er up safely, and dig in! Don't forget safety glasses! I've gotten a lot of dirt in me eyes working on those things! Make sure all those small parts that tighten that belt are there! I've seen that long bolt between the lever and that arm break, and you loose it, the spring, washers, ect.
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