1975 Sx 250 Parts Manual


CD files are in Adobe.pdf format. View my other items for sale for individual model CD for less $$$ Instant downloading also available on our website sunnymeadcycles.com Not sure which model Aermacchi/Harley-Davidson you have? This standard size CD will contain ( filed in Adobe.pdf format ) the following 25 different AMF Aermacchi Harley Service Manuals, Parts Catalogs & Accessories Catalogs for models made in 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 & 1978. This is the most complete collection of Aermacchi/Harley-Davidson literature you will ever find in one place. 4-Stroke Sprint Models: 1) 1961-1974 Sprint models C H SS SX Service Manual. This manual is 158 pages, OEM part # 99492-74 (revised 3-77). 2) 1962-1974 Sprint models C H SS SX Parts Catalog (with supplement).

This catalog is 112 pages, OEM part # 99455-72A. The supplement is 18 pages, OEM part # 99455-74A.

3) 1961-1966 Sprint Parts Catalog for the CRTT & CRS Competition Racing models. This catalog is 18 pages total. 4) 1969-1970 Sprint ERS competition model parts catalog. This catalog is 12 pages total. OEM part# 99455-70R. 5) 1961 Sprint 'C' model Service Information Manual, dated Dec.


18 pages total, no OEM #. 6) 1961 Sprint 'R' model Service Information Manual, dated Feb. 21 pages total, no OEM #. 7) 1961-1969 Sprint CR, CRS, ERS Racing Specifications & Instructions.

33 pages total, no OEM # 8) 1965 CR250 Dirt Tracker Parts List & Diagrams. 4 pages total, no OEM #. 2-Stroke Lightweight Models: 9) 1965-1972 M & Leggero models Parts Catalog (with supplement). The catalog is 60 pages, OEM part # 99446-70. The supplement is 8 pages, OEM part # 99446-72.

10) 1965-1967 M models Service Manual. This manual is 63 pages, OEM part # 99498-67. 11)1965-1972 M models Service Manual. This manual is 143 pages, OEM part # 99498-72. 12) 1965-1974 Lightweights Service Manual. This manual is 169 pages, OEM part # 99498-74. 13) 1972 MC-65 Shortster Parts Catalog.

This catalog is 46 pages, OEM part # 99443-72. 14) 1973-1975 X-90 Shortster Parts Catalog (with supplement). This catalog is 49 pages, OEM part # is 99443-73A. The supplement is 5 pages, OEM part # 99443-75.

Mazak matrix operating manual. 15) 1968-1975 ML SX & TX Rapido models Parts Catalog (with supplement's). This catalog is 94 pages, OEM part # 99450-73A. The 1974 supplement is 5 pages, OEM part # 99450-74. The 1975 supplement is 5 pages, OEM part # 99450-75. 16) 1974-1976 SS/SX-175/250 models Service Manual.

This manual is 127 pages, OEM part # 99490-76. 17) 1974-1978 SS/SX-175/250 models Parts Catalog. This catalog is 113 pages, OEM part # 99440-78. 18) 1973 Z-90 Parts Catalog. This catalog is 51 pages, OEM part # 99446-73A.

19) 1978 MX-250 Parts Catalog. 37 pages total. OEM # 99458-78. All Models 20) 1968 H-D Accessories Catalog 21) 1973 H-D Accessories Catalog 22) 1974 H-D Accessories Catalog 23) 1977 H-D Accessories Catalog 24) 1979 H-D Accessories Catalog 25) 1978 Service Tools Catalog. OEM # 99430-78. Also included is 21 various Harley Factory Service Bulletins related to the Aermacchi models.


A total of 29 pages. The original blank pages from all the manuals & catalogs have been omitted to ensure reading continuity. I have this listed as a used item since it is copies of the manuals and catalogs. Basically, I transfered my manuals & catalogs on to CD and am selling copies to raise money for my own vintage American motorcycle restoration projects. So if your tired of getting your greasy finger prints on your manual and/or would just like to view and print out the pages you need at the time then this is just what you need.

Thanks for looking. Sunnymead Cycles founder has 2 separate letters, dated 12 years apart, from the Harley-Davidson Mo. In Milwaukee WI, USA that basically state they no longer own the rights to and/or have any interest in these obsolete motorcycles & related technical information. No copies of these letters will be supplied for obvious reasons. Sunnymead Cycles founder is listed as a founding member of the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee WI, USA. If you have any photo(s) of the 1967 Aermacchi/Harley-Davidson M-65S 'Sport' model (they started calling them Leggero’s in 1968) 'WITH' any and/or all of the following original optional accessories installed, I will trade you straight across (shipping included by me) for this CD. OEM optional accessories list 1: Engine Guard, 2: Solo Seat, 3: Luggage Rack, 4: High-Rise Exhaust system, 5: Saddlebag Brackets & 6: Windshield.

Contact us at sunnymeadcycles.com for more details.

Vintage Harley Sx 250 Parts

1975 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi SX 250 Restoration A 1975 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi SX250 Restoration Project UPDATE: - THIS BIKE IS FOR SALE! $1200.00 or best offer! If interested please look for the 1975 SX-250 Craigslist Ad in the Columbus, Ohio area and is cross posted in the Zanesville, Ohio area as well. All contact information is in the listings. If the craigslist AD is still active, the bike is still available.

The description below is from when I orignally purchased this bike. The craigslist AD has current pictures and updates. In October of 2013, my girlfriend spotted this old 1975 AMF HD SX250 enduro at a yard sale and sent me a text message with a picture saying 'I see something you're gonna like.'

Yes, she knows me well! When I first saw the photo, I thought it was just an old Japanese bike that somebody put Harley decals on. I did a google search on my phone and read the brief history lesson from Wiki about the Aermacchi years of Harley-Davidson. I needed to head over to that yard sale and see this thing in person! It was in non-running at the time, but in overall pretty clean condition. All the pictures on this page are as-is when I purchased. Even with my limited knowledge at the time about these Aermacchi Harley's, the asking price seemed fair enough.

1975 Harley Davidson Sx 250 For Sale

The tank had some rust flecks inside. Tires a little dry cracked.

Wiring needs some work. Mostly intact except for turn signals and the stop on the lower triple tree was broken which caused the forks to dent into the tank. I thought the kick stand was bent, it looked like it was nearly laying on the ground when on the stand! The previous owner told me that's the way it's supposed to be.others I have since seen online seem to confirm this to be true! At first site, my 5yr old son told me it's the coolest bike ever and he can't wait until he's old enough to get his driving card so it can be his! I mean the smile in this pic says it all right? Too bad there wasn't this much enthusiasm for the old SX series back in the 70's!

1975 Sx 250 Parts Manual Pdf

OK so on with the reason this page exists. When I started the search for replacement parts, I was actually surprised to find so many New Old Stock parts still floating around out there. Evidently, the fact that this bike wasn't a huge success when it orignally came out has made finding New Old Stock parts nearly 40 years later relatively easy. Manufacturer part numbers are essential when it comes to tracking down vintage parts.

I found it difficult to find any FREE resources in regards to the parts catalog or even just the basic service and owners manuals for this bike. Once I got my hands on them, I decided to throw together this webpage. As lame as the content on this page is for now. I at the very least wanted to help out others in their quest to restore! These manuals are the offical HD manuals and typically pertain to both the 175cc / 250cc SS and SX models from 1974-1978.

Click the links and get busy! 1974-1976 Harley-Davidson SS/SX 175-250 1974-1978 Harley-Davidson SS/SX 175-250.

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