Turbocad 19 Manual


TurboCAD Training Materials TurboCAD Training Manuals These are the manuals used for our classroom courses. They are offered as -. Acrobat PDF files downloaded on-line immediately. Acrobat PDF files posted on a CD.

  1. Turbocad 19 Manual
  2. Turbocad Deluxe 19
TurbocadUpdatesTurbocad 19 Manual

Printed, bound and posted with exercise & example files on a CD. Charges are shown in Australian dollars. Payment may be made on-line in many currencies by PayPal, Mastercard or Visa. PayPal will email you a receipt immediately. We will email our official Australian Tax-invoice-receipt within a few days.

Posted orders will have a printed Tax Invoice-Receipt enclosed. Since I am now virtually retired, no GST will be added for Australian buyers. Introduction to TurboCAD New edition for TurboCAD 2017 with notes on earlier versions where needed. The foundation for using TurboCAD efficiently and effectively. (Metric international standards) The TurboCAD manual that comes with the product details each command or tool thoroughly but does not show how to choose which tools to use for particular tasks and is not organised for step by step learning. TurboCAD can be operated using various techniques that produce an acceptable end result, but while most possible ways of using it are not 'wrong' (though some are) there is generally one best way that is most efficient in usage and produces a result that that is most easily altered later.

This book explains the best ways to use it and what ways to steer clear of. It explains the basic rationale of TurboCAD and its command system, some basic Windows skills that are needed, drawing with accuracy, the concepts of scaling drawings to fit the printer paper using Paper Space; setting up options for text & dimensions, how to setup a system of layers and use layers effectively, how to organise printing, how to make best use of Model space and Paper space and how to organise and set up symbol libraries.

Turbocad 19 Manual

Most importantly, it shows how to use all the numerous setup options to create your own template file or files, so that all your new drawings will automatically be already set up with the working environment you prefer. That is the most essential task for organising your work environment for ease of use and effective productivity. This book was revised for TurboCAD Pro v19, but has notes on differences in some earlier versions mainly v14's Symbols system. It also includes notes for AutoCAD users switching to TurboCAD. It incorporates all the material previously covered in our optional 3rd day 'less basic topics' course. This book deals with drawing in 2D only.

It provides the essential foundation understanding needed before proceding to other ways of using TurboCAD such as 3D modelling. It is the training manual used in our classroom courses.

It includes the exercise drawing files used in those courses and some handy resource files such as a sample drawing template file with a sample layer set and an A3 Paper Space sheet outline and title block incorporated. Additional help by email is available free to a reasonable extent to purchasers of any of these options. USA readers please note - Most TurboCAD support materials come from USA or Canada and use feet-&-inches measurements and American drawing conventions. This course was developed to provide a resource for metric measurement, and international-standard paper sizes and drawing conventions. Dimensioning, annotation and line-style conventions are very different in USA from everywhere else, and TurboCAD, being of USA origin, is supplied assuming USA conventions.

This course explains how to set up options to use international standards. Hence this course may not be very appropriate for USA users unless they want to become familiar with metric usage as used everywhere in the world except USA. After completing payment at PayPal, DO NOT click your browser's 'Back' button. Doing so will bypass the screen where you download what you have just paid for! Even if you have not ordered a download, you need to see the confirmation page.

Turbocad Deluxe 19

So be sure to use the 'Return to cad-assist.com' button on the PayPal screen. Introduction to TurboCAD 2017 training manual Cost Order & pay by card the contents pages in PDF form. This gives a good overview of its scope.

(Free) one chapter to get an indication of the style of presentation. (Free) Order & download the manual as a PDF file (178 A4 pages) plus resource drawing files in ZIP format (Total 8 Mb) Aus$ 35 Order a CD containing the book as a PDF file, supplementary notes and the resource files, posted to your address anywhere in the world Aus$ 40 Order the book printed and bound with resource files on an inserted CD, posted to an address only in Australia. ONLYFOR CLIENTS IN AUSTRALIA Aus$ 60 Order the book printed and bound with the resource files on an inserted CD, posted to an address anywhere in the world outside Australia Aus$ 76 If you want multiple printed & posted copies to be billed by invoice, please email your order for a quotation.

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